“We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing; he chastens and hastens his will to make known…”

written 11/2011

When I was younger, Thanksgiving was nice but not particularly exciting in my eyes. I always enjoyed watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, eating my mom’s delicious food, and of course having a few days off. But that was about it. But the older I got, the more important Thanksgiving became. I was suddenly acutely aware in my early twenties what the holiday really meant: a day to be grateful. Celebrating together with my family and friends and counting our blessings was just so very important and beautiful.

So when stress and fear and anger were threatening to overwhelm me last week, the impending last Thursday in November pulled me up short. Besides the menu planning, shopping and cleaning that needed doing, the meaning of Thanksgiving needed my immediate attention and intention.  I shut out the clamor of my stress, put the brakes on the speed of my anxiety and I sat quietly in the stillness of my beautiful home, surrounded by the two people I love most in this world and counted my blessings. I took deep breaths and breathed in how thankful I am for my life.

Since this blog is supposed to be about singing, it is appropriate that I say a few words about how thankful I am to be singing and performing again. It is a tonic for my soul to make music with my fellow humans again. Rehearsals are a welcome, badly needed workout for my voice, body, psyche and spirit. Thank you to friends old and new for your encouragement and support in getting me back to what I love. I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am.



The most wonderful (musical) time of the year


New York...when civilization falls apart, remember, we were way ahead of you. -David Letterman